Sunday, March 18, 2007

A plan! A plan! My kingdom for a plan!

Today was the looong planning day for Melissa and me. I feel bad because I should have been better prepared and more organized. The hours I've spent away from the PC were therapeutic mentally but left me with some tasks undone. It's difficult to do a business plan right now without the missing information, but I'm not sure we'll need anything that formal until we apply for grants (if we do). A nice proposal will do for now, which I've started drafting already - with a lot of the copy on the web site right now.

The big achievement was drafting an initial budget and determining start-up costs. Melissa was invaluable in helping me figure that out. There's still a lot I need to confirm, like utilities costs and advertising and so on, but at least we have a rough idea.

So now that we know approximately what it's going to cost to get this party started, it's time to complete a fundraising plan. We struggled over that, she being doggedly realistic and me being "we can get it done if we just believe!" Somewhere in the middle we came up with an initial plan.

Stay tuned...the Light of Islam Bookstore newsletter will be out soon...and more developments to come. We've found our footing, and insha Allah this is where the project is going to really come to life.

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