Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Glass half full

I've been amazed at how much negativity I've gotten from a variety of people about creating the bookstore. You can't do this, that won't work, this is too difficult, etc., etc.

I've blogged before about how this project is different from anything I've done before, and how my attitude is different. By nature I'm pessimistic, but with LOI I really feel that with God's help it's impossible not to succeed. I hope I can get people to share my vision, especially my board and community members. Yes, there are obstacles to raising funds with something that seems to be a retail project, and yes there are obstacles to raising funds without tax exempt status, but obstacles can be overcome. I didn't realize until Melissa and I sat down exactly how much start-up money I was going to need and therefore how far back we would have to push the opening, but I'm willing to forge ahead because this is, after all, a dream. I've swallowed my disappointment. Alhamdulillah it's not all bad. It's all good. I want to meet with my board in a few weeks and do some real brainstorming - throwing ideas out there, no matter how outlandish, and then working from there to form a plan. I hope they will see the glass half full, too.

Light of Islam is a nonprofit bookstore whose mission is to provide the Houston-area community with accurate and accessible information about Islam and Muslims. Find out more at

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